EP #20 – The Elevation and Humanizing Changemaker: A conversation with Louise Reid

Kimberly RicePodcast1 Comment


Through the long and winding road of Louise’s industrious HR career and end of a 25-year marriage, Louise designed an intentional life and career. Grieving the passing of a mentor, Louise leveraged her pain, along with her education, experience and passions, to arrive at her purpose: to awaken women to their own lives and to help organizations increase their profits AND elevate their people.

One Comment on “EP #20 – The Elevation and Humanizing Changemaker: A conversation with Louise Reid”

  1. Great episode! I love that Louise starts out her bio as “I’m a momma”… this is such an important role, and raising 4 boys is an accomplishment! Bravo, Louise!

    Louise shares so much that ambitious women can relate to:
    * We get so focused on action… that it is easy to loose ourselves.
    * We are designed to change
    * WOW!! The discussion on maternity leave was eye-opening! (Huge difference between Canada & US benefits)
    * We are going to see a balance of the head and the heart. There is a place for that in business
    * Humanizing Leadership = We need leaders who are ready and willing to live into their values + the courage to speak up, especially when it’s hard
    * Louise’s Why: My Pain Has Become My Purpose = Empower Women to Take Brave Bold Action in Pursuit of Their Goals
    * Advice from Louise’s Mom: Follow Your Heart But Don’t Leave Your Head Behind

    Thank you for this lovely interview, Kimberly!

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